Monday, May 4, 2015

Talk to ya'll this week!!

Hey everyone!!  This week was good but it was a rather bit slow.  But it was all good.  We were still able to get a bit done this week.  We did do some service this week with a lady who makes and sells bread.  We helped her make the loaves.  That was fun.  They had made the dough and she just had big tins of the bread dough, both tea and sugar bread, and then she would cut pieces of dough and then we would roll them out.  That was fun.
This week we were blessed by the members feeding us.  On Wednesday we had the best kontumbre stew that I have ever had with yam.  But we were blessed with food almost every day this week.  One fun thing that we did with one of the members, with Joyce and the Abu family, is that we got some stuff together so that Sunday after church we could make fufu and all break our fast together.  That was fun.  Except the made us eat a TON.  It was sooo god though so no complaints.  On Saturday we had a Stake Meeting with all of the bishoprics.  They want it so that the missionaries and the ward leaders work together more often.  That was good.  The only downside this week was that I was a little bit sick... I had some runny tummy pretty bad on Saturday, but once I got some meds in me I was as good as ever!  Well I love you all!! Have an amazing week!

Elder Walston

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