Hey everyone! How is it going? Sad for the news that I received this
week, but just know that I love you tons Ryan and Katie! You are two
amazing people that I love. You are forever in my prayers.
But this
last week has been rather interesting… I ate cat with a TON of fufu
this last week as a last dinner from the Appiah's… then I had to leave
Nkanfoa… that was really sad and hard… I will truly miss that place…. I
do miss that place but now I am in Asikuma! Last Wednesday I took a
trotro up to Asikuma and met the Elder I am training up here already as
the Ivie's took him up here. His name is Elder Assibey and he is from
Kumasi, Ghana… he is a sweet guy and his native language is the Twi so
that is nice but hard at the same time… Cool to know what everyone is
saying, but I feel bad making him translate for me whenever I want to
say stuff to and teach the people. But this area is pretty nice… it is a
pretty big town… at least the biggest one that I have been in. The
church has only been in Asikuma for six months now so it is very small
but there is great potential for it to grow… we have pretty much just
been contacting people this last week and trying to teach people… it has
been fun. Asikuma is definitely a lot hotter… doesn't have any sea
breeze or anything to cool us off.
Yesterday we went to Winneba as Swedru District was made into a
stake… that was really cool… Elder Dube was the presiding authority
there. That was sweet! Fun to see the church grow here in Ghana.
life is good… you just have to put all your trust in the Lord. He
trusts each and everyone of us and puts the challenges that we each face
in front of us because he knows that we can handle them. He trusts us
and wants us to do our best but he knows that it isn't always easy.
I love you all so much! Take care!
Your Ghanaian missionary,
Elder Walston
Cat & Fufu |
Eating cat |
New Companions |
Asikuma |